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- From: dkettler@ix.netcom.com (Bruce Daniel Kettler)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 08:55:37 GMT
- Organization: TIFPC - The Internet Fax Psychic Connection
- Lines: 278
- Message-ID: <4q8fa9$j4b@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: den-co14-05.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed Jun 19 1:55:37 AM PDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: OUI 1.3.0
- -------------------------------------------------------- ----
- From: neykomi@winternet.com (South Dakota KiD)
- To: alt.paranet.psi
- Psi
- Date: Apr. 11, 1996 6:58 AM :56 G
- ***************************************** ***********************
- # P S I - W A L K E R, I N C. #
- # Minneapolis, Minnesota USA #
- # Del R. Mulroy - CEO / PRES. #
- # E-Mail: Neykomi@winternet.com #
- ***************************************** ***********************
- ========================================= =======================
- APRIL 11, 1996
- We here at PSI-WALKER, INC. have been welcomed on the Internet by
- a torent of e-mail, and postings from others in this, and other
- newsgroups on the information that we have supplied in reguards
- to the subject of this newsgroup, and to say that we are happy
- about this is an understatement.
- As the CEO/PRESIDENT, I entered into this venture as a "skeptic"
- despite that I hold the title myself as a Psychic/Medium for the
- last 21 years. There was hope that as both a investigative team
- as well as a search for all information available in the area of
- psychic/paranormal that a opinion could be formed into the main
- question, are psychic talents real, or are they just some sort
- of mass illusion in the minds of millions of people.
- Here on the Internet, we at PSI-WALKER, INC. have been able to
- research on the Internet unlike any other place we have been, as
- the information available is incredible compared to our own local
- library for instance. We have had the oppertunity to talk to
- people on the Internet through e-mail, and the IRC, that have
- been a real help to us in our search and quest for the truth.
- The opinion now formed from the last 4 months of investigating
- is this. That "skeptics" who claim they grasp reality, and the
- truth, are themselves in question in what they believe in. They
- certainly have offered no evidense at all that psychic talents
- DON'T exist, but, they are quick to attack anyone that claims
- psychic talents by:
- 1. Attacking the persons overall charachter in an lame
- attempt to make them smaller then the skeptics.
- 2. Posting rants claiming that psychics, if they existed,
- would be filthy rich if they would solve some of the
- biggest crimes in this nation, including the infamous
- UNABOMBER case, and the murders of Nicole Brown, and
- Mr. Ron Goldman.
- 3. Attack the person for not bothering to invest time in
- going after the $10,000 - $580,000 (however much it is
- this week) prize that Mr. James THE AMAZING RANDI has
- offered to ANYONE who can prove in a scientific study
- under his rules that psychic or paranormal talents are
- real. This is simply a 27 year old APRIL FOOL'S JOKE
- and everyone has bought the hook, line and sinker.
- 4. Attack the persons spelling is a fave for these skeptics
- in this newsgroup. We at PSI-WALKER, INC. have noticed
- that the ONLY people in this newsgroup that bother to do
- this are the skeptics. This is a lame attempt to defame
- the person overall, and dodge the issue at hand.
- 5. LIE! PSI-WALKER, INC. has made it a top priority in just
- correcting and holding the skeptics true to the words they
- posted in the past. It is amazing how some simply forget
- the things they posted a month or two ago. To make up
- something and post it, is not only rude, but a slap to
- our faces that we are supposed to choke the made up claims
- as fact! Skeptics think that everyone who is not a skeptic
- is also less intelligent then they are. HAH! Dream on!!
- In our 4 month investigation into the skeptics claims that
- psychic talents are false, we have concluded that this is
- not the truth. We have looked at the hardest cases involving
- psychic talents, and were left throwing our hands in the air
- unable to explain how some feats were accomplished.
- We will note that Mr. James THE AMAZING RANDI has done a great
- job in the last 25+ years in debunking/exposing/humiliating
- psychics and others that were indeed frauds. This is not
- to go by without a large thank you from us here at
- PSI-WALKER, INC. Anyone that is a fraud, and taking people for
- hard earned money, SHOULD BE EXPOSED! But we seem to find that
- skeptics the world over, including those affiliated with
- Mr. James THE AMAZING RANDI, have one small flaw. They persist
- in a "ONE-TRACK" closed mind. Skeptics claim that ghosts are
- not real in any shape or form, despite WHO makes the claim.
- Are we at PSI-WALKER, INC. then impressed by this statement?
- Not at all. Skeptics have no footing that is any more solid
- then quick sand.
- When Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln held seances in the United
- States White House on a regular basis as they reported seeing
- ghosts in the hallways, when President's Jimmy Carter, and
- Ronald Reagan both while in office made public statements that
- they had seen something they thought to be a ghost, and both
- reported the 1st Family's dogs barking at nothing, or running
- down the hallway chasing something, current President Bill
- Clinton has stated in public that he has felt "something"
- eerie in the White House late at night, and he had hoped it
- was not a ghost, I personally will believe the words of the
- current, and former President's of the United States over the
- words of some "skeptics" who are just loud in words, and no
- evidense to back the claims they make.
- Skeptics try to cause fear in others who make claims of
- psychic talents by insisting they PROVE their talents to
- Mr. James THE AMAZING RANDI. What really evades us here at
- PSI-WALKER, INC., is why these same skeptics are not out
- investigating in the persuit of the truth? They expect the
- psychics to deliver the proof to them. Sorry skepticle
- like ones, this is not how it works.
- If *I* was a hard core extremest skeptic, I would at least
- make a honest effort in determining the truth, instead of
- laying around and expecting the truth to find me, and until
- that time, it don't exist in my mind, and everyone is entitled
- to MY opinion. This view of most skeptics as they portray
- themselves in this newsgroup, is not only comical in nature,
- but almost an insult to all of us.
- One Psychic/Detective has been working for law enforcement for
- over 25+ years all over the United States, has been protrayed
- on several national tv shows for her abilities, and she has a
- track record that is staggering. She will only take a case
- when it has been determined that there are no more leads, the
- case is innactive for at least 6 months, and she insists that
- she not be told a thing about the case. Despite all this, she
- has found over 200 missing bodies over the years, and found
- evidence that jailed many people for murder over the years.
- Despite her track record, and her methods, skeptics claim she
- is a fraud, a few books have been written in the past that
- "question" her abilities, but they have not "debunked" her.
- Even if she somehow manages to "cheat", or make this all some
- sort of huge magic trick, she is solving the murders in this
- nation that police have given up on. If that alone is not
- something to bring to light, then what is? What matters is
- the body is found, given a proper burial, and the family is
- allowed to say goodbye to this loved one, and the killer is
- brought to justice.
- PSI-WALKER, INC. has investigated the past track records of
- four psychic/detectives, and in each case, we were left with
- more questions on how they did it then when we entered into
- the investigation.
- I was in California last summer at the Burbank NBC Studios
- being featured on a national TV show called -THE OTHER SIDE-
- for my psychic talents, when I got to meet one of the best
- psychics in this nation. She was a resident expert on this
- show, and had appeared in at least 18 episodes.
- It was a great honor to meet this most down to earth honest
- and sincere lady. Mrs. Sylvia Browne and me talked for a
- few minutes following the show. I have known of Mrs. Browne
- since she was featured on a national show -THATS INCREDIBLE-
- back in 1978 with her investigation into the haunted
- "TOYS R' US" store.
- As shown in the movie HIGHLANDER I - III and in the tv
- show, immortals can "feel" the presence of another immortal.
- For psychic's, it is the same way. I can feel the presence
- of other psychics within my area, and the aura they have is
- much brighter then that of other people the same age. As a
- rule of thumb, kids have auras that are much brighter then
- adults, and psychic adults auras are as bright as those kids
- half their age. As I left the stage on the TV show, I stopped
- in my tracks. I knew that I was in the midst of a very
- powerful, and incredibly psychic person, I had never in 21
- years felt that magnitude of energy. I told one of the
- people that was on the show with me, "we are not alone, there
- is someone close that is putting out a psychic aura that is
- very powerful".
- As we entered into the back room behind the stage, sitting
- on the couch was Mrs. Sylvia Browne. Her first words to me
- were "You are a healer, you have a healing aura, and you work
- with kids". I have never met Mrs. Browne before, and she
- left me stunned on my feet.
- Prior to this trip to California, I was donating time to a
- local hospital near my home working with the teens in the
- "Suicide/Depression Unit". As a psychic, I have a incredible
- advantage and insight into helping these teens that the others
- in the hospital don't have. I had worked with 9-17 year olds
- that were considered "Long-Terms" (LT's) of more then a three
- week stay. In all cases were I worked with the kids, I was
- able to have them released in less then half that time. Due to
- illness and hospital stays of my own for diabetes, and badly
- infected legs from a rattle snake bite of four years ago, I
- had to quit going to the hospital to help the kids. I will be
- resuming helping them again this summer. But, for Mrs. Browne
- to have gotten this from seeing me on sight, I was stunned.
- Our discussion was interupted by the producer of the show
- walking in with a L.A. COUNTY SHERRIFF pilot with a map,
- saying that a young girl had been missing for several days
- and they feared the worse from the exposure to the desert
- sun. I was amazed to see Mrs. Browne point to the map and
- ask if there was a place not listed on this map she called
- by name. The pilot was familur with the area. She told
- him that she was there, under a large rock staying out of
- the sun, but was in danger from the exposure. She detailed
- the area for the pilot, who then left. How is it that a
- person like Mrs. Browne can possibly know things about a
- person she has never met? Or someone not even close to her
- proximity? I was not able to find out before I was flown
- back to Minneapolis is the girl was found or not, but I
- would bet money she was from knowing Mrs. Brownes past
- record as a psychic.
- It is without saying that we at PSI-WALKER, INC. are still
- left holding our hands up in the air, as to why some of the
- skeptics don't bother to investigate the past recorded track
- records of a few of the most incredible psychics in this
- nation, and ask "how, why, etc". It seems that the skeptics
- can't be helped, as they refuse to help themselves. Anyone
- that buys into the rants, and the threats that skeptics throw
- PSYCHIC's needs to take another look at their footing, as it
- is not solid.
- Skeptics refuse to admit that they don't know how some psychics
- work in helping people with the talents. Sometimes, "I DON'T
- KNOW" is a good answer, but it is a answer skeptics won't let
- slip from their lips.
- We do not understand the mentallity of the skeptics, and
- there is nothing wrong being a skeptic, but it appears in
- this forum, there is a large majority of extremest skeptics
- here.
- I am a skeptic. It wasn't until just a few months ago I
- believed that a psychic could work over the phone. It does
- not sound possible afterall, that someone could talk to
- someone over a phone thousand of miles away, and work with
- the psychic talents. There is nothing but a voice to work
- with. But, I found that on the Internet, I was able to work
- with my psychic talents in E-Mail, and in the IRC, able to
- feel and see images left as sort of a "finger print" on the
- elerctronic carried by phone message from someone thousands,
- and in a few cases more then 10,000 miles away. I am still a
- skeptic into some of the things I do, wondering if what I am
- doing is possible or not, and amaze myself sometimes. To be
- a skeptic is ok, but to close ones mind shut to the outside
- world and refusing to look at the overwhelming evidense into
- psychic talents almost shines a light over the extemest skeptic's
- head that being a "Skeptic Schizophrinic" is the ultimate
- high, and nothing can bring them down from the CLOUD 9 they
- are on.
- When they do come off that high, maybe we can see eye to eye
- on the issues at face value. As it is now, all we can see
- is the bottoms of the sneakers on the extemest skeptics feet.
- Sincerely,
- Del R. Mulroy
- Psychic/Medium/Healer/Author
- Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
- Internet: Neykomi@winternet.com
- * "I almost found all my eggs!! I forgot to look in Iowa!"